Get a plan
to turn your loss making business
into a sustainable profitable business.
If you are facing a “loss-making” business,
the causes are most often not only in the back-end of the business,
finance, logistics, stock management, administration, but more often in the front-end, lack of sales.
Lack of sales derives from a lack of believe of team members in themselves/corporate goals,
insufficient/weak goal setting and missing-team spirit.
My area of expertise are people!
Do you recognize the above and are interested to ask for support, please contact me.
I am more than willing to listen to you and come-up with a plan
to turn your loss making business into a sustainable profitable business.
Loek Oprinsen
A hands-on problem solver with a great capacity to turn a failing business
into a successful business with sustainable growth and profitability.
Passionate about the luxury watch & jewelry industry, with a generalist
approach and in-depth know-how for retail and wholesale.
A strong team leader and motivator with a sharp sense for people and company cultures.
“I strongly believe in people and their unlimited potential. My mission is to help individuals and teams to discover their unlimited potential and make the best possible out of themselves.
As a result your company will benefit from this development. It is all a matter of the law, cause and effect. Our entire universe is governed by law. As, we humans, are part of this universe, we better start understanding and applying these laws.”
For 30 years I have studied the mind and start to have a good understanding how we humans can perform at our best, once we spend our valuable time to learn to know about our own mind and become conscious of our sub-conscious mind. The sub-conscious mind is the “program” that drives our behaviours and our behaviours determine the quality of our lifes, both privately as well as professionally.
Through my education at the Proctor Callagher Institute, I have further studied the mind and work now with their program that help people to discover their potential and learn themselves to operate at their best with the goal that the results remain sustainable, beyond the training/coaching period.
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